50 Rocks!
Yesterday I turned 50 years old. The big five oh. #vintage1966
And you know what? I feel good. And blessed beyond measure. Not for WHAT I have. But for WHO I have. My family, my friends, and mostly, for a God who loves me exactly as I am.
But you should know that I’m having a mid-life crisis. It’s called suebeehomemaker.com.
Yup, my blog.
After 50 years of being quiet (haha), I’m ready to share (with anyone who is willing to listen) my recipes, travel journals, decorating ideas, and little glimpses of my life.
I was talking to Mike recently about my blog and the meaning behind it. He asked me what my WHY is. And he went on to tell me about what he has learned at Mary Kay about having a WHY. He said that we often know what we are doing and how we are doing it. But it’s important to know why we are doing it. WHY is the real meaning behind everything we do. Mary Kay’s WHY is “to enrich women’s lives”.
So what is my WHY?
Hmmmm, let’s see…
My WHY is to have a creative outlet for sharing what I’ve learned over the past 50 years. And to honor my mom by sharing her recipes and my memories of her in the kitchen.
I’m dedicating this blog to my mother. Please check out her recipes in “Norma Jean’s Kitchen”.
Another really cool thing about me turning 50 is getting completely spoiled by my family and friends. Mike has totally outdone himself and has given me a gift of some kind EVERY day for the last month. If you follow him on snapchat, you already know what I’m talking about!
Here are a couple of his snaps..

Since Mike is in Chicago this week, he also arranged for some of my friends to come over and surprise me on the night of my birthday. They totally got me! I was surprised (and dressed in gym shorts)!! As you can see from this pic, we celebrated with champagne, ice cream cake, and a lot of laughs! SO much fun. Thank you Lisa, Kerri, Julie, Terry, Michelle, Lauren, Suzanne, and Cathy!!

Thanks for reading along with me during my mid-life crisis. I sincerely hope that you enjoy my blog.
Happy Birthday! Hope your special day was fabulous (looks like it was!). And, enjoy your trip to Chicago with Mike. I am sure you will both have a fantastic time. Hugs!
Thank you Jana!!